Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
FERC regulates 金沙娱乐 transmission and wholesale sales of electricity in interstate commerce and ensures 金沙娱乐 reliability of high-voltage interstate transmission systems.
Southwest Power Pool (SPP)
The SPP is a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO), mandated by 金沙娱乐 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to ensure reliable supplies of power, adequate transmission infrastructure and competitive wholesale prices of electricity. SPP operates subject to a tariff filed with and governed by FERC. This tariff contains over 2,100 pages of rates, terms and conditions for providing transmission service to SPP’s customers to move wholesale electric power within and across SPP’s 17-state footprint.
Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC)
The KCC regulates and has 金沙娱乐 responsibility of ensuring electric utilities provide safe, adequate and reliable services at reasonable rates. The mission of 金沙娱乐 KCC is to protect 金沙娱乐 public interest through impartial and efficient resolution of all jurisdictional issues.
Missouri Public Service Commission (MPSC)
The MPSC regulates and has 金沙娱乐 responsibility of ensuring Missourians receive safe and reliable utility services at just, reasonable and affordable rates.